Does vacuuming count as carpet cleaning?

Vacuuming Does NOT Count As Carpet Cleaning... Seriously.

We like to think we can keep our carpets clean on our own, thank you very much. We just need to vacuum every month or so and blot when there's a stain... right?

Wrong. Most carpet cleaning companies recommend you to professionally clean your carpet every 12 to 24 months.

Vacuuming is just not enough. Neither is cleaning carpets yourself. Hiring a professional carpet cleaner is the best way to get your carpet in a healthier condition.

Indoor air quality can be eight to ten times worse than outdoor air quality, if you don't clean your flooring, clean your drapes and let air inside regularly. When millions of Americans suffer from indoor allergies, air quality is a huge issue.

To keep the air in your home clean, it's important to follow a few carpet-cleaning rules. Namely:

Call professionals to clean your carpet, more often than you think you should.

We would recommend cleaning the carpets frequently, in the interest of a dust-free home. Call a professional carpet cleaner every six months, and every four to six WEEKS if you have a pet. (Keep in mind this applies to carpets, not area rugs).

Regardless of how often you choose to clean, using professional cleaners are hands-down necessary -- you shouldn't attempt to clean carpet yourself. Only a professional can effectively lift dust from deep within your carpet. If those dirt and particles is left there, it will wear down and rip the carpet's fibers. Only professional with specialized machines can truly take care of those deep down debris. The results of trying to do it yourself can be sickening.

We've been on job sites where you pull up the carpet and see a mold patch, due to over steam cleaning yourself. This would be the ideal condition of turning your house into an incubator for mold growth.

Between carpet cleaning, vacuum at least weekly (or much more often with pets).

Of course, vacuuming remains the easiest way to keep carpets and area rugs clean between professionally getting them done. We would recommend vacuuming once per week, to keep those abrasive dust particles out of carpet fibers. Ramp up the frequency in high-traffic areas or if you have pets -- these spots might need daily vacuuming depending on how much debris you notice.

And take area rugs out for spring and fall cleaning sessions.

Area rugs vary in their care instructions, so check yours for its ideal cleaning schedule. Generally, you should vacuum rugs with the same frequency as carpets, then deep-clean them every six months with a good old-fashioned broom-beating. Take rugs outside, shake them out, beat them with an actual broom (ideally while wearing a mask to protect your face), and let them air outside for a day.

Many area rugs can also be professionally cleaned – consider cleaning them once every other year.

Another secret? Vacuum slowly.

One of the most common errors people make when vacuuming is that they do it too fast. Vacuuming slowly allows a vacuum cleaner to do its best work by vibrating carpet fibers and containing dust in the vacuum.

Blot carpet spills immediately -- do NOT wait.

Rubbing a stain will spread it around and can distort the carpet's pile, or fluffy shape; and waiting to clean a stain lets moisture seep deeper.  We would highly recommend cleaning spills the instant they happen.

If you do not have our unique dry cleaning spot cleaner SPOLTESS, then try spraying a solution of 2 tablespoons of salt to a half cup of white vinegar on a cloth and dab the stain, working from the outside to its center. Rinse with a clean cloth the same way, and then blot dry. To absorb leftover moisture, pile on a stack of paper towels and place a heavy pot or vase on top. Leaving it there overnight will ensure all wetness is fully gone.

Pick a carpet that's not a dust magnet in the first place.

To prevent dust buildup in the first place, choose a low pile carpet. This means picking a carpet or area rug with short fibers -- high layers of fluff or shag will trap more dust (not to mention mite carcasses, not good for allergy sufferers). We would recommend natural, durable materials like wool instead of synthetic ones like nylon. Now carpet tiles would be a stellar alternative to wall-to-wall carpets, when there's a spill, you can pull up the tile and clean it on its own, and you can remove them completely when you're ready for a scene change.

...and if you keep it clean, you can keep it forever! (Well, almost.)

You can keep a rug for a lifetime, if you keep it clean on a regular basis. Carpet lifespans, however, range with quality -- some well-made varieties are made to last up to 20+ years if kept dust-free and dry cleaned instead of steam cleaning with hot water.

I hope this motivates you to keeping your expensive investment in the best condition as possible.


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