What to Do if You Chose the Wrong Carpet

What to Do if You Chose the Wrong Carpet By Cheryl Simmons Choosing the right carpet can be difficult, for a number of reasons. It can be hard to pick a color from a tiny swatch, and some carpet salespeople out there are less than helpful. Or perhaps you were trying to replace your carpet in time for an upcoming event, and were therefore limited in your options of what was available at the time. Whatever the reason, you’ve ended up with a carpet that you don’t like. What can you do about it? Don’t Panic The first step is to remain calm. That may be hard to do when you’re looking at a carpet that you don’t like and you’re thinking of the amount of money you just spent on it. But, take a deep breath. It’s only carpet; and it can be changed. The options available to you, to change your carpet, will depend on what stage of the process you were at when you realized that you’ve chosen the wrong carpet. Obviously, if you’re feeling like you aren’t sure of the ...