A great find under dirty carpet

Man goes to clean grandparents house—but what he finds under dirty carpet—he’s calling for help

We all dream about how cool it would be to dig up a buried treasure.

But for one Reddit user, it became a reality.

Known only by his username “EvilEnglish,” the man had often visited his grandparents’ farmhouse in Tennessee. They would read him Treasure Island, which introduced him to the idea of secret riches hiding just beneath the surface.

The grandparents owned the house for 20 years, using it as a summer home “to escape the oppressive summer heat of the South.”

However, the grandfather died in 1998, and the home had been abandoned since. The grandmother never visited the country house before she died, and neither did their son, who inherited the house after she passed away in 2009.

The home then fell to EvilEnglish, who was left to prepare the home for sale—and after two decades of neglect, found that the home was in disrepair.

“Lots and lots of work to do here as it is an old house,” he wrote in a post that has since been deleted, according to Messy Nessy.

“I was working in a closet below the stair case, and saw that the rug was pretty disgusting.”

He had to pull out the dirty rug, but as he was doing so he noticed something strange. There was concrete underneath, even though all the floors were hardwood.

When he pulled the rug out, he found a circular cap in the middle of the concrete:

When he pulled the cap off, he was stunned by what he discovered:

“A secret safe!”

However, obviously, he was unable to get it open. He called local locksmiths, but none were available for several days. He called his mom, who confirmed that his grandparents kept a safe under the floorboard—but none of her suggested combinations worked.

Finally, a locksmith arrived to help—but getting it open was a challenge, even for him.

“He said about 30 mins into this that if he had known what he was getting into, he would have referred the job to someone else.”

But finally, he was able to get into the safe.

Looking in, he saw what looked like a pile of bricks. He was dismayed that there also appeared to be a moisture build up, thanks to a pipe leak from years back, which likely damaged whatever was inside.

But what he found didn’t disappoint.

It was his grandmother’s collection of collectible coins and dollars.

Fittingly for a buried treasure, the safe contained countless boxes of rare coins.

“I knew my Grandmother collected coins, but I thought we had found all of them!” he wrote.

While the water damaged some of the books, the coins themselves were still in perfect condition.

When he shared his findings on Reddit, many coin-collecting users chimed in to let him know what his collection was worth.

One user told him that the Prestige sets were worth $20 each minimum—but the most valuable thing was silver coins.

“At the moment their melt value is 17.3 times face value,” they wrote. “With low silver prices and extremely high demand for physical silver, most respectable dealers will pay you melt right now.”

He also noted that the silver bars were worth about $24 each:

They even said the torn-up dollar bills might be valuable, or could at least be exchanged for modern currency.

All in all, the grandson stood to make a pretty nice sum of cash, given the amount of coins.

But the treasures didn’t even end there.

He also found a rusty toolbox. He didn’t think much about it, until he got it open…

And found that it was full of jewelry!

It’s almost as if his grandparents remembered reading Treasure Island to their grandson decades ago and left a treasure hunt for him to one day find. That’s probably not the case, but it’s still a fitting closure to the old childhood home.

Hopefully he lucked out and got some good money for the haul. But either way, he still got a great story out of it: he discovered an actual hidden treasure, right where he least expected it.


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