Keep your house clean with this handy schedule

A Down and Dirty Weekly Cleaning Schedule That Keeps Your House Clean

Fold it up Friday is all about your family's laundry in this sample housekeeping schedule.

A weekly cleaning schedule shouldn't keep you from enjoying your home and the people and pets in it. So don't let the dust bunnies win. Streamline your housekeeping chores into an easy-to-remember routine for every day of the week.

Monday's House Cleaning Schedule

Mop it Monday because your floors took a beating over the weekend. Between the dog's muddy paws and the kids eating crackers as they ran through the house, there's no better place to begin your house cleaning schedule than with your vacuum and mop.

If you don't have time to vacuum or mop the entire house one week, work through these high-traffic areas in between full cleanings:
  • Foyer
  • Stairs
  • Family Room/Den
  • Mud Room
  • Bedrooms
  • Under the kitchen table
  • Bathrooms
Tuesday's House Cleaning Schedule

Grab your plastic gloves and the scrub brush. It's all about the bathrooms today on Toilet Tuesday. It may not be your favorite day of the week now but you'll have the rest of the week and the weekend to enjoy your newly cleaned bathrooms. Chores to do today:
  • Scrub toilets.
  • Clean bathtubs and showers.
  • Disinfect bathroom sinks and counters.
  • Spray plastic shower curtains with disinfectant.
  • Change out the towels.
  • Take bathmats outside and give them a good shake.
  • Check toiletries to see what you're running low on.
Wednesday's House Cleaning Schedule

Wipe It Down Wednesday erases dust, germs and grime. Basically, if it has a surface, clean it. Things to dust or wipe down today:

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  • Microwave
  • Toaster
  • Counters
  • Tabletops
  • TV
  • Toys
  • Mirrors
  • Ceiling fans
  • Doorknobs
  • Refrigerator handles
  • Stove
  • Refrigerator shelves
  • Windowsills
  • Mini blinds
  • Light fixtures
  • Telephone
  • Furniture
Thursday's House Cleaning Schedule

Throw It Out Thursday. Do it every week so you don't end up with a pile of stuff that has to be gone through.

Reduce the clutter, get your home completely organized and kick these outdated, unwanted, or expired items to the curb:
  • Junk mail
  • Magazines
  • Catalogs
  • Newspapers
  • Food
  • Clothes with holes
  • School or craft projects you don't plan on keeping
Friday's House Cleaning Schedule

Fold It Up Friday is all about the laundry. The week's school clothes, shorts and T-shirts for soccer practice and pajamas are piling up in the laundry basket and it's time to get the clothes back on the hanger or in the dresser. Today you will:
  • Soak clothes with tough stains
  • Make sure the kids' sports uniforms are ready for weekend games
  • Strip sheets from beds and launder
  • Clean blankets
  • Wash towels
  • Fold clean laundry
  • Iron
  • Hand wash delicate items
  • Put clean clothes away
  • Wash bed skirts (once a month)
  • Separate suits and dresses for the dry cleaners
Saturday's House Cleaning Schedule

You've worked hard all week so Slow It Down Saturday. Today, your cleaning will be reduced to 20 minutes and your whole family is going to help. Get your timer out and straighten up the entire house fast.

Sunday's House Cleaning Schedule

Take a break for Self-Centered Sunday! No housekeeping for you on this day. Enjoy me-time indulgences to celebrate your day off from cleaning.
Your weekly cleaning schedule restarts tomorrow so enjoy your day off.


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