7 Habits to Keep Your Carpets Cleaner Forever

7 Habits to Keep Your Carpets Cleaner Forever If you live with wall-to-wall carpeting, or have a home full of rugs, you know how quickly your soft, beautiful floors can get dingy and dirty. How your carpets fare has a lot to do with your daily habits and cleaning methods, so there might be more you can be doing to keep your carpet looking and smelling its best. From how you vacuum to your stance on shoes in the house, here are a few ways you can tread more carefully. Get good doormats (for every entrance) One way to protect your floors and carpeting is to make sure all the entrances to your home have a doormat for you and guests to wipe your shoes on when you come in. It might even be a good idea—especially in winter when snow, salt and slush from can make a huge mess—to have two at each entrance, one outside to wipe your shoes on, and one inside to take them off without making a mess. Clean any stains right away The longer you wait to deal with spills and fo...