How to Stretch a Buckled Carpet

How to Stretch a Buckled Carpet

When installed correctly, wall-to-wall carpeting stretches taut across the floor with no visible bulges or wrinkles. Over time, heavy foot traffic and repeated carpet cleanings can loosen the carpet fibers, leaving lumps and buckles. Once a ripple appears in the carpet, the rate at which the carpet wears out increases because the loose carpet pulls and moves every time you vacuum, walk or move your furniture. You can prolong the life — and the good looks — of your carpet through restretching. The tools you need are available from a hardware or construction rental store.

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1 Work the tip of an awl beneath the carpet in one corner of the room. Pry upward, freeing the corner of the carpet from the tack strips that hold it in place.

2 Pull the rest of the carpet edges free from the tack strip, using pliers. Work your way around the room without disturbing the center of the carpet.

3 Check for loose tack strips. Nail them with a hammer and 8d nails, if necessary.

4 Smooth the carpet in place. Position the extra carpet on the edges upward along the walls.

5 Hold a straightedge on the carpet at the bottom of the wall. Cut along the outer edge evenly, using a hooked carpet knife. Do not allow the carpet to shift or move during the cutting process. Ensure that the cut line is at or slightly beneath the baseboard.

6 Tuck the newly cut edge of the carpet beneath the baseboard, using a 4-inch putty knife. As you tuck the carpet, it will stick to the tack strip beneath.

7 Repeat the cutting and tucking process all the way around the room.

8 Fit a power carpet stretcher with the head that matches your carpet type.

9 Position the head of the power stretcher in one corner, with the stretcher bar extending diagonally to the opposite corner. Ensure that he head of the stretcher is about 6 to 8 inches from the corner. When you set the stretcher, the handle should be loose and extend upward.

10 Push the stretcher handle downward slowly and evenly. This action forces the head of the stretcher forward and pushes the edge of the carpet over the tack strip, which will hold it tightly in place.

11 Stretch the opposite corner of the carpet, then the two remaining corners. Stretch each corner diagonally.

12 Stretch the carpet along one wall, keeping the stretcher perpendicular to the wall. Repeat the process for the opposite wall, followed by the two remaining walls.

Things You Will Need
  • Awl
  • Pliers
  • Power carpet stretcher
  • Carpet knife, hooked
  • Hammer
  • Nails, 8d
  • Straightedge
  • Putty knife, 4-inch
  • Leather gloves
  • Instructions should come with the carpet stretcher, but if you’re unsure which head to use, ask the customer-service representative at the rental center when you pick up the stretcher.
  • If the room does not have a baseboard, position and stretch the carpet first, then use a carpet edge trimmer to cut the carpet evenly along the wall. Edge trimmers are also available at most rental stores.
  • If carpet buckling occurs in a hallway, follow the same process, but use a knee-kick carpet stretcher instead of a power stretcher, which is too large for most hallways.
  • Wear heavy leather gloves when handling tack strip as it has very sharp points that can quickly pierce your fingers.


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