How to Prevent Carpet From Buckling

How to Prevent Carpet From Buckling

Carpet buckling occurs when the underside of carpets becomes detached from the adhesive, causing wrinkles, bubbles or ripples that ruin the form and function of your rug. Carpet buckles can be a trip hazard and also interrupt the placid aesthetic of your floor. Fixing the problem can be costly and time consuming. To keep your carpet attractive and safe, follow a few tips on installation and carpet maintenance to prevent a potential problem before it starts.

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1 Keep your carpet dry. Do not allow any spilled beverages, including water, to fully soak into your carpet. Immediately absorb spills with a dry, towel or cloth; continuous moisture absorbed into your carpet will cause buckling over time. When cleaning your carpet, turn on fans and open windows to help excess moisture dissipate without absorbing into your carpet. If you have your carpet professionally cleaned, keep in mind that moisture and humidity can cause the carpet to buckle if the carpet padding underneath is too thick, as water will expand the carpet latex. As the carpet dries, however, the buckled carpet should smooth itself out. If you're cleaning your carpet with a dry solvent, use the amount recommended on the instructions, as too much dry solvent can be another cause of buckling.

2 Choose carpet cushioning that is appropriate for your carpet's construction, density and thickness, especially in carpets that have lower pile density and weight. Carpet cushions that are not the appropriate thickness and density for your carpet can result in separation of the carpet seams or backing, as well as buckling and wrinkling. Whether installing carpet yourself or having it professionally installed, ensure that your carpet backing is not wet before installation, as this can cause carpets to buckle.

3 Check to make sure that the temperature and humidity in the room is ideal before installing your carpet. Installation should take place only when the room temperature ranges from 65 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity ranges between 10 percent and 65 percent. Installing your carpet in a room with temperatures and humidity levels outside the recommended range can cause buckling.

4 Power stretch your carpet, pulling it tightly from all four corners, during installation. Neglecting to power stretch your carpet or doing so improperly greatly increases the chance that it will buckle.

5 Lift pieces of furniture rather than dragging them across your carpet. Dragging furniture across carpet can cause separation from the adhesive strips underneath and the carpet will buckle as it becomes detached in places. If this happens, you might need to have your carpet power stretched again.


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