4 Tips And Tricks For Cleaner And Softer Towels

There is perhaps no better feeling than coming out of the shower or bath wrapping up in a soft and fluffy towel. But there are times when towels don’t feel as soft as they should be. This can be due to hard water, which makes them feel rough by leaving traces of minerals on the fabric.

The trick is to remove these hard water deposits without causing damage to the towel. If you’re thinking of going to the supermarket to buy expensive chemicals, think again. It’s always best to use natural ingredients in order to get the most benefits. Try these 4 tricks to give you softer, more fragrant towels in no time.
1. Use a vinegar, baking soda and water solution
For fresh smelling towels, there is no need to use chemical softeners as these products can damage your towels. Just a few simple ingredients that are easily available in your home will do the trick. After programming the washing machine for a hot wash, load it with the towels and add a cup of diluted white vinegar.

At the end of the first wash cycle, repeat the procedure, but this time, replace the vinegar with baking soda. White vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps eliminate bacteria and moisture, while baking soda, helps remove the dirt and neutralize odors. Bear in mind that this technique shouldn’t be used every time you wash your towels. Just once every fortnight would suffice. This trick will also work well on brand new bed sheets that are rough to the touch. Instead of using fabric softener to soften your sheets, it’s best to use white vinegar to soften them up and give them a fresh smell.

2. To prevent your towels from smelling musty and damp, hang them in the open air to dry naturally
Once you have finished washing your towels or drying yourself up after shower, it’s important to hang them in the open air to dry well. Moisture will not only make the fabric smell sour, but it also provides breeding ground for bacteria.

 Always make sure your towels are completely dry after use as this will prevent the formation of bad odors.
We often think that, to achieve softer towels, it’s necessary to use large quantities of detergent. But these detergents tend to accumulate chemicals that will actually prevent the fabric from absorbing water. We have 2 more tricks that will give you better results.
3. Use fabric softener with white vinegar
Although fabric softener won’t necessarily make towels softer, you can combine it with white vinegar for maximum results. Simply add your favorite fabric softener with half a cup of white vinegar to every other wash for smoother, fresher towels.

Fabric softeners don’t let too much water absorb into the fabric, thus helping them stay softer for longer. These conditioners also protect towels from wear and tear so they retain their fluffiness.
Another helpful tip that will give you fluffy towels is to throw in two or three tennis balls in the tumble dryer whenever your towels need drying up. Tennis balls help fluff up cotton fabrics as well as prevent them from getting wrinkled.
4. If your towels smell like mildew, use essential oils
If you have ever forgotten to unload the washing machine right after washing your towels, then you know what it’s like to end up with damp-smelling towels. This smell can linger on the towels for several days, but there is a way to get rid of it naturally.

Add two to three drops of essential oils directly to the detergent section of your washing machine and then, re-start the wash as usual. No more mildew smell! Try these tricks with your next towel wash and see for yourself.


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