Area Rug Spot Cleaning and Care

The care and maintenance of your area rugs and the tools and supplies you should have on-hand.

Area Rug spot cleaning must haves:
White cotton towels, soft bristle brush, small bowl and sponge, corn starch, club soda and a hair dryer.

How to spot clean your area rug in a few easy steps
1. Remove solid soil by vacuuming or scrapping off dry pieces.

2. Use sponge to dampen the spill area with club soda.
TIP: Always blot NEVER rub. (This is golden rule of spot cleaning any fabric).

3. Blot area with cotton towel until the spill stops transferring to the towel.

4. Place a folded towel UNDER and OVER the spill area to sandwich it. Stand on the sandwich to help excess moisture wick out.

5. Do one of the following:
A) If the spill appears gone, use HAIR DRYER (on cool) to dry and groom the nap with the BRUSH. Prop area up for several hours so that the inside fibers dry completely.

B) If the spill is still there, pack the damp area with CORN STARCH and leave it to dry (this may take 24 hrs – it will be hard to the touch). Chip away dry starch with a spoon and vacuum away. The corn starch will absorb whatever can be removed.

Bonus Rug Tips:
VACUUM weekly: Use an upholstery attachment when possible, running the head WITH the grain of the pile. If using an upright vacuum, put the beater bar setting on normal or high, and run side to side (so you don’t suck up fringe). Rugs under normal (not heavy) use that are vacuumed weekly can be cleaned every two to three years. Entry rugs, rugs in rooms with children/pets/allergy sufferers should be cleaned annually. Use RUG PADS for rugs on hard floors. They lessen wear, keep rugs in place, and deter insects.

STORAGE tips: Rugs should be stored clean, and if long-term storage an insect repellent rinse should be used. If in a storage unit, make sure the rugs are elevated up off the floor several inches with nothing heavy stacked on top of them. 


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